Fiction and Science, should we fear progress? Statut actuel Non-inscrit Tarif 49,00 € Commencer Suivre ce cours Course for the axis “Scientific innovations and responsibility” for the French baccalauréat. Contenu du Cours Science or Fiction? O Brave New World ! 1 Quiz Afficher Contenu de la Leçon Exercices sur Brave New World Designer Babies: from Gattaca to Los Angeles Runaround by Isaac Asimov Kevin Warwick: My Body, My Laboratory 2 Quiz Afficher Contenu de la Leçon Exercices sur Cyborgs Cyborgs vocab The History of Robots Oral comprehension : The Bionic Age The Materializer Man vs Machine Upgrade your body: biohacking Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence Do You Trust This Computer?